8 teams, each one representing a prefecture, will compete in tournament battles. Each team will have 3 players, and battles will consist of solo and team battles.


The player/team will rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first.

Solo battle Best 8, Best 4 and final are all 1 minute - 1 minute / 1 minute - 1 minute battles.

Team battles are 2 minutes - 2 minutes, with 3 minutes - 3 minutes for the final.

There is no audience vote, and the winner will be judged solely on the judges' votes.

Winners are determined by points earned.

1 point for solo battle winners

2 points for the winner of the team battle

The team with the highest point total wins.


⚠️Votes by the judges will be cast after all of the battles are done, and if the number of points is a draw, the winner will be decided in a solo battle by a player from each team.

For a player to represent a prefecture, the prefecture must be one of the following:

Place of birth

Place of residence

Past place of residence

Location of the school they are currently attending or attended in the past

Location of the company they are working at or have worked at in the past.